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Salesforce Salesforce-Maps-Professional Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Salesforce Maps Accredited Professional
Exam Code: Salesforce Maps Professional
Related Certification(s): Salesforce Accredited Professional Exams Certification
Certification Provider: Salesforce
Number of Salesforce Maps Professional practice questions in our database: 100 (updated: Jan. 08, 2025)
Expected Salesforce Maps Professional Exam Topics, as suggested by Salesforce :

  • Topic 1: Designing Salesforce Maps: This topic of the Salesforce Maps Professional exam assesses your capability to transform business requirements into a practical Salesforce Maps implementation. This demands the collection of essential requirements, such as pinpointing data sources and comprehending user objectives.
  • Topic 2: Configuring Salesforce Maps: Salesforce administrators, consultants, and developers learn the process of connecting maps to data sources while also managing user access controls. This topic includes configuring integrations with external mapping services or leveraging internal Salesforce data sources.
  • Topic 3: Building Salesforce Maps: The topic focuses on integrating Maps with other powerful Salesforce features, such as Lightning components or Visualforce pages. Salesforce administrators, consultants, and developers who attempt the Salesforce-Maps-Professional exam may also be assessed on their understanding of optimizing map performance, especially when dealing with large and complex datasets.
  • Topic 4: Implementing Salesforce Maps: The Territory Planning section of the Salesforce Maps Accredited Professional exam focuses on managing territories with Salesforce Maps. This involves defining territories based on different factors, assigning them to reps, and optimizing designs for balanced workloads.
  • Topic 5: Live Tracking by Using Salesforce Maps: The topic centers around utilizing Salesforce Maps for real-time resource monitoring. This entails configuring map views for live location updates and customizing map symbols.
  • Topic 6: Salesforce Maps Advanced: In this topic, Salesforce administrators, consultants, and developers learn about the advanced features of Salesforce Maps. This includes exploring geocoding and reverse geocoding to maintain data accuracy. Additionally, you Salesforce-Maps-Professional candidates be assessed on utilizing Salesforce Maps for route optimization, encompassing multi-stop route planning and navigation functionalities.


Exam Name: Salesforce Maps Accredited Professional
Exam Code: Salesforce Maps Professional
Related Certification(s): Salesforce Accredited Professional Exams Certification
Certification Provider: Salesforce
Number of Salesforce Maps Professional practice questions in our database: 100 (updated: Jan. 08, 2025)
Expected Salesforce Maps Professional Exam Topics, as suggested by Salesforce :

  • Topic 1: Designing Salesforce Maps: This topic of the Salesforce Maps Professional exam assesses your capability to transform business requirements into a practical Salesforce Maps implementation. This demands the collection of essential requirements, such as pinpointing data sources and comprehending user objectives.
  • Topic 2: Configuring Salesforce Maps: Salesforce administrators, consultants, and developers learn the process of connecting maps to data sources while also managing user access controls. This topic includes configuring integrations with external mapping services or leveraging internal Salesforce data sources.
  • Topic 3: Building Salesforce Maps: The topic focuses on integrating Maps with other powerful Salesforce features, such as Lightning components or Visualforce pages. Salesforce administrators, consultants, and developers who attempt the Salesforce-Maps-Professional exam may also be assessed on their understanding of optimizing map performance, especially when dealing with large and complex datasets.
  • Topic 4: Implementing Salesforce Maps: The Territory Planning section of the Salesforce Maps Accredited Professional exam focuses on managing territories with Salesforce Maps. This involves defining territories based on different factors, assigning them to reps, and optimizing designs for balanced workloads.
  • Topic 5: Live Tracking by Using Salesforce Maps: The topic centers around utilizing Salesforce Maps for real-time resource monitoring. This entails configuring map views for live location updates and customizing map symbols.
  • Topic 6: Salesforce Maps Advanced: In this topic, Salesforce administrators, consultants, and developers learn about the advanced features of Salesforce Maps. This includes exploring geocoding and reverse geocoding to maintain data accuracy. Additionally, you Salesforce-Maps-Professional candidates be assessed on utilizing Salesforce Maps for route optimization, encompassing multi-stop route planning and navigation functionalities.


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Q1. A Sales Management team has asked their Salesforce admin to develop a weekly report showing the total mileage driven by each Sales Rep on their team. Assuming the Reps have Live Tracking turned on during their normal work day, which object contains the distance driven in a day?

A.Maps Live Asset Daily Summary

B. Maps Live Asset Daily Summary Event

C. Maps Live Driver

D. Maps Live Daily Trip

Correct Answer: A

Q2. Alpine Energy realigns its sales territories quarterly and saves a copy of the final alignment published during each planning cycle. At the start of the next quarter, planners for the company want to avoid redrawing the existing territory boundaries every time they create a new data set and alignment. Which Territory Planning feature could Alpine Energy use to accomplish this?

A.Import from Alignment

B. Import from CSV

C. Import from Salesforce Territory Model

D. Import from Data Set

Correct Answer: A

Q3. A rep knows they will be traveling to an outlier part of their territory the last week of the month. What should they do to get the most accurate routes accommodating their travel plan?

A.No action is needed since Maps Advanced will automatically capture travel information from the rep's calendar

B. Enter their travel plans via the Maps Advanced Route tab

C. Manually schedule one anchor appointment in the area they plan to visit.

D. Manually plan events for the week that they are traveling

Correct Answer: B

Q4. From which device(s) can a user create and edit a Route or Schedule?

A.Desktop Only

B. Both Desktop and Mobile Devices

C. Routes on Mobile only and Schedule on Desktop only

D. Mobile Device Only

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