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Salesforce Salesforce-Loyalty-Management Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Salesforce Loyalty Management Accredited Professional Exam
Exam Code: Salesforce Loyalty Management
Related Certification(s): Salesforce Accredited Professional Exams Certification
Certification Provider: Salesforce
Actual Exam Duration: 75 Minutes
Number of Salesforce Loyalty Management practice questions in our database: 104 (updated: Jan. 06, 2025)

Expected Salesforce Loyalty Management Exam Topics, as suggested by Salesforce :

  • Module 1: Strategies and Design: Salesforce Partners learn how Loyalty Management aligns with customers’ business needs, processes, data requirements, and program parameters. This section includes identifying the appropriate Loyalty architecture, defining points and redemptions processes, benefits types, and the promotion lifecycle. Best practices for implementing Loyalty Management are also covered, ensuring practical application to real-world scenarios.
  • Module 2: Loyalty Program and Process Configuration: This section focuses on configuring the foundational and advanced features of Loyalty Programs. Salesforce Partners learn to configure tier models, member and partner management, customer incentives, and experiential features in this topic. Sub-topics also include defining promotions, eligibility rules, and personalized Loyalty pages using Experience Cloud templates. Configuring complex processing rules, user access models, and analytics dashboards equips Salesforce Partners with the expertise to deliver scalable, customer-centric Loyalty solutions.
  • Module 3: Integration: Integration is crucial for a seamless Loyalty Management experience. In this topic, Salesforce Partners determine strategies for integrating Marketing Cloud, Commerce Cloud, Service Cloud, Salesforce CDP, and external systems using API templates and endpoints.
  • Module 4: On-Going Loyalty Management: This section equips Salesforce Partners to sustain and optimize Loyalty solutions post-implementation. The topic includes leveraging analytics and dashboards, transitioning from sandbox to production, managing Loyalty campaigns, utilizing mobile app features, and resolving service-related issues.


Exam Name: Salesforce Loyalty Management Accredited Professional Exam
Exam Code: Salesforce Loyalty Management
Related Certification(s): Salesforce Accredited Professional Exams Certification
Certification Provider: Salesforce
Actual Exam Duration: 75 Minutes
Number of Salesforce Loyalty Management practice questions in our database: 104 (updated: Jan. 06, 2025)

Expected Salesforce Loyalty Management Exam Topics, as suggested by Salesforce :

  • Module 1: Strategies and Design: Salesforce Partners learn how Loyalty Management aligns with customers’ business needs, processes, data requirements, and program parameters. This section includes identifying the appropriate Loyalty architecture, defining points and redemptions processes, benefits types, and the promotion lifecycle. Best practices for implementing Loyalty Management are also covered, ensuring practical application to real-world scenarios.
  • Module 2: Loyalty Program and Process Configuration: This section focuses on configuring the foundational and advanced features of Loyalty Programs. Salesforce Partners learn to configure tier models, member and partner management, customer incentives, and experiential features in this topic. Sub-topics also include defining promotions, eligibility rules, and personalized Loyalty pages using Experience Cloud templates. Configuring complex processing rules, user access models, and analytics dashboards equips Salesforce Partners with the expertise to deliver scalable, customer-centric Loyalty solutions.
  • Module 3: Integration: Integration is crucial for a seamless Loyalty Management experience. In this topic, Salesforce Partners determine strategies for integrating Marketing Cloud, Commerce Cloud, Service Cloud, Salesforce CDP, and external systems using API templates and endpoints.
  • Module 4: On-Going Loyalty Management: This section equips Salesforce Partners to sustain and optimize Loyalty solutions post-implementation. The topic includes leveraging analytics and dashboards, transitioning from sandbox to production, managing Loyalty campaigns, utilizing mobile app features, and resolving service-related issues.


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Q1. A company's Marketing Team needs to set up a promotion and use Promotion Market Segments where members of a specific age range and with expressed preferences will benefit from this promotion. What is the recommended solution for the team to set up the Promotion Market Segments?

A.Custom coded solution

B. Salesforce Marketing Cloud

C. Salesforce Reports and Dashboards

D. Salesforce Customer Data Platform

Correct Answer: D

Q2. Ursa Major Solar has recently rolled out its Loyalty Program. The customer support agents need access to Loyalty Program Member's information. The System Administrator at Ursa Major Solar has placed the Loyalty Members Profile Cards on the Lightning Record Page, and all access is granted; however, it is still not visible on the page. What setting is missing and preventing the visibility of the pages?

A.Setup the Member Summary Embedded Dashboard

B. Setup the Member Preferences Embedded Dashboard

C. Setup the Loyalty Program as Primary

D. Setup the Member NPS Dashboard

Correct Answer: C

Q3. A company is designing a new Loyalty Program to reward its members based on purchases and short-term and long-term engagement with the program. Which two types of currency does Salesforce Loyalty Management offer out-of-the-box that can be configured to accomplish the company's Loyalty Program objectives?

A.Fixed Model and Activity Model

B. Non-Qualifying Points and Qualifying Points

C. Non-Qualifying Points and Activity Points

D. Fixed Model and Qualifying Points

Correct Answer: B

Q4. A hotel group has finished setting up its Loyalty program and now wants to provide its Loyalty members with live updates about their program membership. They are looking for a solution that lets members view their membership details whenever they want to, and expect that this can be implemented without a need for complex customization. Using the available product features of Loyalty Management. Which three tasks should an Administrator implement to meet the Hotel group's requirements?

A.Associate the site with the new Hotel Group Loyalty Program using API integration endpoints

B. Associate the site with the new Hotel Group Loyalty Program

C. Connect the website to the hotel's payment gateway

D. Create a site using the Experience Cloud site template called the Loyalty Member Portal

E. Add Loyalty lightning components to the site that show members their Loyalty program details, points balance, recent transactions, and currently assigned tiers.

Correct Answer: B, D, E

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