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Salesforce Salesforce-Certified-Administrator Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Salesforce Certified Administrator
Exam Code: Salesforce Administrator
Related Certification(s): Salesforce Certified Administrator Certification
Certification Provider: Salesforce
Actual Exam Duration: 105 Minutes
Number of Salesforce Administrator practice questions in our database: 248 (updated: Jan. 04, 2025)
Expected Salesforce Administrator Exam Topics, as suggested by Salesforce :

  • Module 1: Configuration and Setup: This section of the exam covers information found in the company settings, distinguishing and understanding the administration of declarative configuration of the user interface. For a particular scenario, this topic of the exam covers demonstrating the proper setup and maintenance of users.
  • Module 2: Object Manager and Lightning App Builder: This section of the exam describes the standard object architecture and relationship model.
  • Module 3: Sales and Marketing Applications: In a given scenario, this section of the exam covers the identification of capabilities and implications of the sales processes. Also, other topics in this section relate to using the appropriate sales productivity features after utilizing opportunity tools.
  • Module 4: Service and Support Applications: This section of the exam explains the capabilities of case management and its automation.
  • Module 5: Productivity and Collaboration: This exam topic covers explaining the capabilities of activity management and how to describe the features of Chatter. It also covers how to describe the capabilities of Salesforce Mobile App.
  • Module 6: Data and Analytics Management: In this section, candidates are tested for their ability to describe the considerations when importing, updating, transferring, mass deleting, exporting, and backing up data. It also covers the implications of data validation tools and the options available when creating or customizing a report or report type.
  • Module 7: Workflow/Process Automation: This section of the exam covers the identification of the right automation solution based on the capabilities of the tool. It also covers explaining capabilities and use cases for Flow as well as use cases for the approval process.


Exam Name: Salesforce Certified Administrator
Exam Code: Salesforce Administrator
Related Certification(s): Salesforce Certified Administrator Certification
Certification Provider: Salesforce
Actual Exam Duration: 105 Minutes
Number of Salesforce Administrator practice questions in our database: 248 (updated: Jan. 04, 2025)
Expected Salesforce Administrator Exam Topics, as suggested by Salesforce :

  • Module 1: Configuration and Setup: This section of the exam covers information found in the company settings, distinguishing and understanding the administration of declarative configuration of the user interface. For a particular scenario, this topic of the exam covers demonstrating the proper setup and maintenance of users.
  • Module 2: Object Manager and Lightning App Builder: This section of the exam describes the standard object architecture and relationship model.
  • Module 3: Sales and Marketing Applications: In a given scenario, this section of the exam covers the identification of capabilities and implications of the sales processes. Also, other topics in this section relate to using the appropriate sales productivity features after utilizing opportunity tools.
  • Module 4: Service and Support Applications: This section of the exam explains the capabilities of case management and its automation.
  • Module 5: Productivity and Collaboration: This exam topic covers explaining the capabilities of activity management and how to describe the features of Chatter. It also covers how to describe the capabilities of Salesforce Mobile App.
  • Module 6: Data and Analytics Management: In this section, candidates are tested for their ability to describe the considerations when importing, updating, transferring, mass deleting, exporting, and backing up data. It also covers the implications of data validation tools and the options available when creating or customizing a report or report type.
  • Module 7: Workflow/Process Automation: This section of the exam covers the identification of the right automation solution based on the capabilities of the tool. It also covers explaining capabilities and use cases for Flow as well as use cases for the approval process.


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Q1. An administrator is building a Lightning app and sees a message that a My Domain must be set up first. What should the administrator take into consideration when enabling My Domain?

A.Single sign-on must be disabled prior to implementing My Domain.

B. The login for all internal and external users changes to the My Domain login

C. A deployed My Domain is irreversible and renaming is unavailable.

D. The URL instance for a My Domain stays the same for every release

Correct Answer: B

Q2. DreamHouse Realty regularly holds open houses for the selling of both houses and condominiums. For condominium open houses, there are a few extra steps that need to be taken. Agents need to be able to submit requests and receive approvals from the homeowners' association. How can the administrator ensure these extra steps only appear when creating open house records for condominiums?

A.Create one page layout. Use record types to ensure the proper status picklist values display.

B. Create two page layouts. Use business processes and record types to display the appropriate picklist values.

C. Create one page layout. Use business processes to ensure the proper status picklist values display.

D. Create two page layouts, one with a House Status field and the other with a Condominium Status field.

Correct Answer: B

Q3. The Support team at Ursa Major Solar prefers using split list views on the case homepage. Occasionally, the team views shipments from another support application. What should the administrator configure to allow the team to use the split list view?

A.Filter by a single shipment record type in the list view.

B. Include the Shipments tab on the app's navigation bar.

C. Split views are only available on standard objects.

D. Add the Manage List Views permission for support users.

Correct Answer: C

Q4. An administrator at Ursa Major Solar just learned about the AppExchange and how helpful it can be to the company's business. Which two actions can be accomplished via the AppExchange?

A.Find certified developers and consultants.

B. Download the Dataloader data tool.

C. Install industry-specific solution templates.

D. Download standard Lightning components.

Correct Answer: A, C

Q5. The administrator has created new users for ten new employees at Northern Trail Outfitters. Why are these users unable to access the account object in the Salesforce or?

A.Users' profile requires a sharing rule for Accounts.

B. Users' profile requires permission to the Account object.

C. Users' roles are low on the role hierarchy.

D. Organization-wide defaults are set to private.

Correct Answer: B

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