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Salesforce Salesforce-Associate Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Salesforce Certified Associate
Exam Code: Salesforce Associate
Related Certification(s): Salesforce Associate Certification
Certification Provider: Salesforce
Actual Exam Duration: 70 Minutes
Number of Salesforce Associate practice questions in our database: 123 (updated: Jan. 13, 2025)
Expected Salesforce Associate Exam Topics, as suggested by Salesforce :

  • Module 1: Salesforce Ecosystem: In this topic, Salesforce associates explore resources like Trailhead and the Trailblazer Community to enhance in-demand Salesforce skills. The section covers Customer 360 product offerings to solve real-world use cases, demonstrating how companies optimize customer engagement. Associates distinguish between roles like Admin, Developer, and Consultant, understanding career paths in the Salesforce ecosystem.
  • Module 2: Navigation: This topic equips Salesforce associates to efficiently locate and access critical information using Salesforce’s navigation tools. The focus includes identifying where Salesforce customizations occur, such as in Setup or App Builder, essential for managing workflows.
  • Module 3: Data Model: Salesforce associates delve into the relationships among core standard objects like Accounts, Contacts, Leads, Opportunities, and Cases to understand data flow. This topic emphasizes selecting the right tools for data visibility and maintaining data integrity, ensuring efficient and secure platform usage in various business scenarios.
  • Module 4: Reports & Dashboards: In this section, Salesforce associates learn to describe and interpret reports and dashboards, pivotal for tracking and analyzing business metrics. The focus is on creating visual representations of data that support informed decision-making.


Exam Name: Salesforce Certified Associate
Exam Code: Salesforce Associate
Related Certification(s): Salesforce Associate Certification
Certification Provider: Salesforce
Actual Exam Duration: 70 Minutes
Number of Salesforce Associate practice questions in our database: 123 (updated: Jan. 13, 2025)
Expected Salesforce Associate Exam Topics, as suggested by Salesforce :

  • Module 1: Salesforce Ecosystem: In this topic, Salesforce associates explore resources like Trailhead and the Trailblazer Community to enhance in-demand Salesforce skills. The section covers Customer 360 product offerings to solve real-world use cases, demonstrating how companies optimize customer engagement. Associates distinguish between roles like Admin, Developer, and Consultant, understanding career paths in the Salesforce ecosystem.
  • Module 2: Navigation: This topic equips Salesforce associates to efficiently locate and access critical information using Salesforce’s navigation tools. The focus includes identifying where Salesforce customizations occur, such as in Setup or App Builder, essential for managing workflows.
  • Module 3: Data Model: Salesforce associates delve into the relationships among core standard objects like Accounts, Contacts, Leads, Opportunities, and Cases to understand data flow. This topic emphasizes selecting the right tools for data visibility and maintaining data integrity, ensuring efficient and secure platform usage in various business scenarios.
  • Module 4: Reports & Dashboards: In this section, Salesforce associates learn to describe and interpret reports and dashboards, pivotal for tracking and analyzing business metrics. The focus is on creating visual representations of data that support informed decision-making.


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Q1. A Salesforce user met with the new Director of IT for their customer, Northern Trail Outfitters (NTO). Where should the user add the new Director's information into Salesforce?


B. Contacts

C. Leads

Correct Answer: B

Q2. A Salesforce associate wants to locate a record within the custom object called Shipment'. What is the most efficient way to find a record within this object?

A.Global Search

B. App Launcher

C. Object Manager

Correct Answer: A

Q3. Get Cloudy Consulting (GCC) wants the ability to: * Send a predefined sequence of scheduled messages to prospective customers. * Track messages that get the best open and response rates. * Send customized messages to existing customers information them for new products and discounts. Which Salesforce cloud solution allows GCC to meet these requirements?

A.Sales Cloud

B. Marketing Cloud

C. Service Cloud

Correct Answer: B

Q4. Question #5 Get Cloudy Consulting wants to group its contacts by Region. On most records, this text field is blank or misspelled. Which action is recommended to ensure there is correct data for this field?

A.Convert the Region field to a picklist field.

B. Create a validation rule to enforce correct spelling.

C. Email users a list of region names with correct spelling.

Correct Answer: A

Q5. Where can a new user set up an email signature in Salesforce?

A.Personal Settings

B. User Profile

C. Email Setup

Correct Answer: C

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