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Salesforce Marketing Cloud Consultant Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Consultant
Exam Code: Marketing Cloud Consultant
Related Certification(s): Salesforce Marketing Cloud Consultant Certification
Certification Provider: Salesforce
Actual Exam Duration: 105 Minutes
Number of Marketing Cloud Consultant practice questions in our database: 156 (updated: Jan. 09, 2025)

Expected Marketing Cloud Consultant Exam Topics, as suggested by Salesforce :

  • Module 1: Discovery and Architecture: In this topic, Salesforce marketing cloud consultants will demonstrate the ability to analyze business requirements and identify gaps to recommend effective solutions. Their expertise in gathering requirements and defining data strategies will be tested, ensuring they can design sustainable solutions tailored to the customer’s skillset and long-term maintenance needs.
  • Module 2: Integration: You must showcase your ability to implement and troubleshoot Marketing Cloud Connect, articulate how a robust data model underpins personalized messaging, and recommend the best extension products for customer use cases.
  • Module 3: Account Configuration: This topic assesses the capability of Salesforce marketing cloud consultants to manage account hierarchies, troubleshoot features like Reply Mail Management, and evaluate the impact of Sender Authentication Package. They will also demonstrate proficiency in Mobile Studio, ensuring they can configure accounts to meet complex customer needs.
  • Module 4: Automation: Your ability to design and implement appropriate automation solutions will be tested. Whether crafting Journey Builder flows or configuring Automation Studio, you will prove your expertise in delivering scalable, efficient customer journeys and activity-based workflows.
  • Module 5: Data Modeling and Management: This topic challenges Salesforce marketing cloud consultants to distinguish between reports, data views, and tracking extracts, identify the right data objects for given scenarios, and assess the implications of contact identity choices on the data model. Precision in managing data is key here.
  • Module 6: Messaging: This topic tests your ability to deliver personalized and engaging messaging by choosing the right options for individualization. You will show how to align messaging strategies with customer scenarios, demonstrating your ability to optimize communication for impact.


Exam Name: Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Consultant
Exam Code: Marketing Cloud Consultant
Related Certification(s): Salesforce Marketing Cloud Consultant Certification
Certification Provider: Salesforce
Actual Exam Duration: 105 Minutes
Number of Marketing Cloud Consultant practice questions in our database: 156 (updated: Jan. 09, 2025)

Expected Marketing Cloud Consultant Exam Topics, as suggested by Salesforce :

  • Module 1: Discovery and Architecture: In this topic, Salesforce marketing cloud consultants will demonstrate the ability to analyze business requirements and identify gaps to recommend effective solutions. Their expertise in gathering requirements and defining data strategies will be tested, ensuring they can design sustainable solutions tailored to the customer’s skillset and long-term maintenance needs.
  • Module 2: Integration: You must showcase your ability to implement and troubleshoot Marketing Cloud Connect, articulate how a robust data model underpins personalized messaging, and recommend the best extension products for customer use cases.
  • Module 3: Account Configuration: This topic assesses the capability of Salesforce marketing cloud consultants to manage account hierarchies, troubleshoot features like Reply Mail Management, and evaluate the impact of Sender Authentication Package. They will also demonstrate proficiency in Mobile Studio, ensuring they can configure accounts to meet complex customer needs.
  • Module 4: Automation: Your ability to design and implement appropriate automation solutions will be tested. Whether crafting Journey Builder flows or configuring Automation Studio, you will prove your expertise in delivering scalable, efficient customer journeys and activity-based workflows.
  • Module 5: Data Modeling and Management: This topic challenges Salesforce marketing cloud consultants to distinguish between reports, data views, and tracking extracts, identify the right data objects for given scenarios, and assess the implications of contact identity choices on the data model. Precision in managing data is key here.
  • Module 6: Messaging: This topic tests your ability to deliver personalized and engaging messaging by choosing the right options for individualization. You will show how to align messaging strategies with customer scenarios, demonstrating your ability to optimize communication for impact.


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Q1. Northern Trail Outfitters is using a triggered send to send customers their order confirmations. Their commerce platform provides a JSON payload for order details. What should they use to format the JSON within the email?

A.SSJS platform function ParseJSON

B. TransformJSON() AMPscript Function

C. BuildRowSetFromJSON() AMPscript Function

D. ParseJSON content block with Content Builder

Correct Answer: D

Q2. Northern Trail Outfitters (NTO) is launching a new campaign that will collect subscriber information to better target and segment its marketing communciations. NTO wants to target users of its app and social platforms who have not engaged with previous emails in the campaign. If the subscriber opens or clicks after three messages, they will be removed from the campaign. Which solution should the consultant implement?

A.A File Drop Automation with User-Initiated Send Definitions

B. User-Initiated Send Definitions with Filtered Data Extensions

C. A Multi-Step Automation with User-Initiated Send Definitions

D. A Multi-Step journey with Data Extension/Automation entry source

Correct Answer: D

Q3. A marketer wants to capture open-ended feedback from customers via SMS and write it to a data extension. How could MobileConnect be used to accomplish this?

A.Use a text-response message template with embedded AMPscript to capture the response.

B. Use an info capture message template to capture the response.

C. Use an outbound message template with embedded AMPscript to capture the response.

D. Use a vote/survey message template to capture the response.

Correct Answer: A

Q4. Northern Trail Outfitters uses a Salesforce Data Entry Source in their Journey that injects Salesforce Order when they are either create update with a status of New, Currently Knitting, Shipped, and Complete. Their Journey works when orders are created, but they noticed it does not injected customers when their status is updated. What could be causing this?

A.Orders should be set up to allow injection upon update in Connect Configuration

B. The associated Contact should be updated to be injected.

C. Synchronized Data Sources poll changes every 15 minutes at the quickest.

D. Orders are not being updated from not meeting criteria to meeting criteria

Correct Answer: D

Q5. Northern Trail Outfitters (NTO) imports a file daily into Marketing Cloud of customers who have bought a tent from their website. They want to set up month-long welcome Journey which sends emails specific to the purchase such as the type of tent, they average accessories for the tent, and care of the tent at different points throughout the Journey. NTO also reorganizes that due to their .. princes, they have had customers purchase more than one tent within a month. What type of data should be used in the Decision Splits in their Journey to make sure the choices reflect the correct tent?

A.Journey Data

B. Salesforce Data

C. Contact Data

D. Entry Data

Correct Answer: D

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