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Salesforce Data Cloud Consultant Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Salesforce Certified Data Cloud Consultant
Exam Code: Data Cloud Consultant

Related Certification(s):

  • Salesforce Consultant Certifications
  • Salesforce Community Cloud Consultant Certifications
Certification Provider: Salesforce
Actual Exam Duration: 105 Minutes
Number of Data Cloud Consultant practice questions in our database: 162 (updated: Jan. 22, 2025)

Expected Data Cloud Consultant Exam Topics, as suggested by Salesforce :

  • Module 1: Data Cloud Overview: This topic covers Data Cloud’s function, key terminology, business value, typical use cases, the Data Cloud lifecycle, dependencies, and principles of data ethics. These sub-topics provide an overview of Data Cloud’s capabilities and applications.
  • Module 2: Data Cloud Setup and Administration: This topic includes applying Data Cloud permissions, permission sets, org-wide settings. It describes and configures data stream types, and data bundles. Moreover, it discusses use cases for data spaces, creating data spaces, managing and administering Data Cloud using reports, dashboards, flows, packaging, data kits, diagnosing and exploring data using Data Explorer, Profile Explorer, and APIs.
  • Module 3: Data Ingestion and Modeling: This topic covers the different transformation capabilities within Data Cloud. It includes describing processes and considerations for data ingestion from various sources, defining, mapping, and modeling data using best practices aligned with identity resolution. Lastly, it discusses using available tools to inspect and validate ingested and modeled data.
  • Module 4: Identity Resolution: It describes matching and how its rule sets are applied. Furthermore, it discusses reconciling data and its rule sets, the results of identity resolution, and use cases.
  • Module 5: Segmentation and Insights: This topic defines basic concepts of segmentation and use cases, identifies scenarios for analyzing segment membership, configuring, refining, and maintaining segments within Data Cloud, and differentiating between calculated and streaming insights.
  • Module 6: Act on Data: This topic defines activations and their basic use cases, using attributes and related attributes, identifying and analyzing timing dependencies affecting the Data Cloud lifecycle. Additionally it focuses on troubleshooting common problems with activations, and using data actions, including their requirements and intended use cases.


Exam Name: Salesforce Certified Data Cloud Consultant
Exam Code: Data Cloud Consultant

Related Certification(s):

  • Salesforce Consultant Certifications
  • Salesforce Community Cloud Consultant Certifications
Certification Provider: Salesforce
Actual Exam Duration: 105 Minutes
Number of Data Cloud Consultant practice questions in our database: 162 (updated: Jan. 22, 2025)

Expected Data Cloud Consultant Exam Topics, as suggested by Salesforce :

  • Module 1: Data Cloud Overview: This topic covers Data Cloud’s function, key terminology, business value, typical use cases, the Data Cloud lifecycle, dependencies, and principles of data ethics. These sub-topics provide an overview of Data Cloud’s capabilities and applications.
  • Module 2: Data Cloud Setup and Administration: This topic includes applying Data Cloud permissions, permission sets, org-wide settings. It describes and configures data stream types, and data bundles. Moreover, it discusses use cases for data spaces, creating data spaces, managing and administering Data Cloud using reports, dashboards, flows, packaging, data kits, diagnosing and exploring data using Data Explorer, Profile Explorer, and APIs.
  • Module 3: Data Ingestion and Modeling: This topic covers the different transformation capabilities within Data Cloud. It includes describing processes and considerations for data ingestion from various sources, defining, mapping, and modeling data using best practices aligned with identity resolution. Lastly, it discusses using available tools to inspect and validate ingested and modeled data.
  • Module 4: Identity Resolution: It describes matching and how its rule sets are applied. Furthermore, it discusses reconciling data and its rule sets, the results of identity resolution, and use cases.
  • Module 5: Segmentation and Insights: This topic defines basic concepts of segmentation and use cases, identifies scenarios for analyzing segment membership, configuring, refining, and maintaining segments within Data Cloud, and differentiating between calculated and streaming insights.
  • Module 6: Act on Data: This topic defines activations and their basic use cases, using attributes and related attributes, identifying and analyzing timing dependencies affecting the Data Cloud lifecycle. Additionally it focuses on troubleshooting common problems with activations, and using data actions, including their requirements and intended use cases.


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Q1. A user needs permissions to access Data Cloud to create, manage, and activate segments, However, the user should not be allowed to created reports or manage data sources. Which permission set should the consultant assign?

A.Data Cloud Marketing Specialist

B. Data Cloud Marketing Manager

C. Data Cloud Data Aware Specialist

D. Data Cloud user

Correct Answer: A

Q2. What is the primary purpose of Data Cloud?

A.Providing a golden record of a customer

B. Managing sales cycles and opportunities

C. Analyzing marketing data results

D. Integrating and unifying customer data

Correct Answer: D

Q3. A consultant is helping a beauty company ingest its profile data into Data Cloud. The company's source data includes several fields, such as eye color, skin type, and hair color, that are not fields in the standard Individual data model object (DMO). What should the consultant recommend to map this data to be used for both segmentation and identity resolution?

A.Create a custom DMO from scratch that has all fields that are needed.

B. Create a custom DMO with only the additional fields and map it to the standard Individual DMO.

C. Create custom fields on the standard Individual DMO.

D. Duplicate the standard Individual DMO and add the additional fields.

Correct Answer: C

Q4. A Data Cloud consultant tries to save a new 1-to-l relationship between the Account DMO and Contact Point Address DMO but gets an error. What should the consultant do to fix this error?

A.Map additional fields to the Contact Point Address DMO.

B. Make sure that the total account records are high enough for Identity resolution.

C. Change the cardinality to many-to-one to accommodate multiple contacts per account.

D. Map Account to Contact Point Email and Contact Point Phone also.

Correct Answer: C

Q5. Which two dependencies need to be removed prior to disconnecting a data source?

A.Activation target

B. Segment

C. Activation

D. Data stream

Correct Answer: B, D

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