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CompTIA CS0-003 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst (CySA+) Exam
Exam Code: CS0-003
Related Certification(s): CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst CySA+ Certification
Certification Provider: CompTIA
Actual Exam Duration: 165 Minutes
Number of CS0-003 practice questions in our database: 367 (updated: Jan. 13, 2025)

Expected CS0-003 Exam Topics, as suggested by CompTIA :

  • Module 1: Security Operations: It focuses on analyzing indicators of potentially malicious activity, using tools and techniques to determine malicious activity, comparing threat intelligence and threat hunting concepts, and explaining the importance of efficiency and process improvement in security operations.
  • Module 2: Vulnerability Management: This topic discusses involving implementing vulnerability scanning methods, analyzing vulnerability assessment tool output, analyzing data to prioritize vulnerabilities, and recommending controls to mitigate issues. The topic also focuses on vulnerability response, handling, and management.
  • Module 3: Incident Response and Management: It is centered around attack methodology frameworks, performing incident response activities, and explaining preparation and post-incident phases of the life cycle.
  • Module 4: Reporting and Communication: This topic focuses on explaining the importance of vulnerability management and incident response reporting and communication.


Exam Name: CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst (CySA+) Exam
Exam Code: CS0-003
Related Certification(s): CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst CySA+ Certification
Certification Provider: CompTIA
Actual Exam Duration: 165 Minutes
Number of CS0-003 practice questions in our database: 367 (updated: Jan. 13, 2025)

Expected CS0-003 Exam Topics, as suggested by CompTIA :

  • Module 1: Security Operations: It focuses on analyzing indicators of potentially malicious activity, using tools and techniques to determine malicious activity, comparing threat intelligence and threat hunting concepts, and explaining the importance of efficiency and process improvement in security operations.
  • Module 2: Vulnerability Management: This topic discusses involving implementing vulnerability scanning methods, analyzing vulnerability assessment tool output, analyzing data to prioritize vulnerabilities, and recommending controls to mitigate issues. The topic also focuses on vulnerability response, handling, and management.
  • Module 3: Incident Response and Management: It is centered around attack methodology frameworks, performing incident response activities, and explaining preparation and post-incident phases of the life cycle.
  • Module 4: Reporting and Communication: This topic focuses on explaining the importance of vulnerability management and incident response reporting and communication.


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Q1. Which of the following responsibilities does the legal team have during an incident management event? (Select two).

A.Coordinate additional or temporary staffing for recovery efforts.

B. Review and approve new contracts acquired as a result of an event.

C. Advise the incident response team on matters related to regulatory reporting.

D. Ensure all system security devices and procedures are in place.

E. Conduct computer and network damage assessments for insurance.

F. Verify that all security personnel have the appropriate clearances.

Correct Answer: B, C

Q2. Executives at an organization email sensitive financial information to external business partners when negotiating valuable contracts. To ensure the legal validity of these messages, the cybersecurity team recommends a digital signature be added to emails sent by the executives. Which of the following are the primary goals of this recommendation? (Select two).


B. Integrity

C. Privacy

D. Anonymity

E. Non-repudiation

F. Authorization

Correct Answer: B, E

Q3. A security analyst runs the following command: # nmap -T4 -F Starting nmap 7.6 Host is up (0.13s latency) PORT STATE SERVICE 23/tcp open telnet 443/tcp open https 636/tcp open ldaps Which of the following should the analyst recommend first to harden the system?

A.Disable all protocols that do not use encryption.

B. Configure client certificates for domain services.

C. Ensure that this system is behind a NGFW.

D. Deploy a publicly trusted root CA for secure websites.

Correct Answer: A

Q4. A SOC receives several alerts indicating user accounts are connecting to the company's identity provider through non-secure communications. User credentials for accessing sensitive, business-critical systems could be exposed. Which of the following logs should the SOC use when determining malicious intent?


B. tcpdump

C. Directory


Correct Answer: D

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