Exam Name: Supporting Cisco Routing & Switching Network Devices
Exam Code: 100-490 RSTECH
Related Certification(s): Cisco Certified Technician Routing & Switching CCT Routing & Switching Certification
Certification Provider: Cisco
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of 100-490 practice questions in our database: 72 (updated: Jan. 25, 2025)
Expected 100-490 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :
- Module 1: Describe hardware memory common terms and their use in Cisco routers and switches/ Describe an IPv4 and IPv6 address and subnet
- Module 2: Perform software upgrade or downgrade using TFTP, FTP, xmodem, tftpdnld, or USB Storage/ Identify and describe commonly used components
- Module 3: Describe the location and process to change the configuration register parameter/ Describe the function of Telnet and SSH
- Module 4: Identify and locate the serial number of Cisco products/ Describe the function of FTP, TFTP and PING
- Module 5: Describe the basic functionality and key differences of this hardware: LAN switch, router, and wireless access points
- Module 6: Identify Cisco products by logo marking and model number/ Copy and paste a configuration file from/to a router or switch
- Module 7: Perform password recovery on a Cisco device/ Describe the licensing process on different platforms
- Module 8: Use and interpret the basic Cisco IOS Software commands/ Use the OSI and TCP/IP models and their associated protocols to explain how data flows in a network
- Module 9: Identify and correct common network problems at Layers 1 and 2/ Identify tools for hardware installation and replacement
- Module 10: Describe the key role of Cisco IOS, IOS-XE, IOS-XR and NX-OS software/ Navigate between different operating modes
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